Monday, April 6, 2009

Which do you dislike more?

There are three kinds of students, this goes for mostly elementary school kids.

1. Smart, but too smart so they become naughty in class since they are bored and not challenged enough, so they dont try. They're usually the ones who can pick up really quick but are badly behaved in class.
2. The not so smart kids who try but get easily frustrated, then just give up.
3. The not so smart kids who just are bad kids and dont try and just just all sorts of bad.
4. The unresponsive students who simply just dont talk.

Which ones would you choose not to teach if you had a choice? If I had a choice, all my students would be little geniuses but then I'd be out of a job.

My choice would be to not teach the unresponsive kids. I have a 7 year old and a 12 year old from two different schools. They dont answer questions and they just dont want to do any work. Theres nothing I can do so I just ignore them and then I feel bad.

Oh well, I still get paid, its their loss. My 12 year old student took 15 minutes to draw a happy face on the board today, hes not a bad kid, just doesnt get it. He's only got 30 minute class! What a waste of time.


Alvin said...

get those unresponsive kids to open up.

Lulu said...

the 12 year old is ridic. hes not a bad kid, i just dont know what the issue is. maybe he doesnt understand? but im not asking hard questions. i asked him "how are you" he said i dont know, so i took him to the posters and said, which one. after he chose two, i said draw it and he started at the board for 15 min!!!

Anita said...
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Anita said...

category 3!

Anita said..., category 2! i think it's good that they try...but more annoying when they give up

Unknown said...

hm i dunno which type i'd prefer but in my math class my teachers mentioned that true geniuses are able to entertain themselves. so those kids u think taht are actually smart..probably arent since they get bored..hehe